Later when we were on exchanges I was with Sister Clark. I
asked her what she thinks the smallest act of faith is that would even make a
difference. She opened up the Alma 32:27 where we learn that even having a
desire to believe is having faith. and once we act on that desire we begin the
exercise that faith until we can give place for a portion of his words, or we
gain our own testimony! Thinking I was satisfied with the answer I forgot
about it all.
Last night when we were at dinner I was sharing what
sister Clark had taught me and realized that I still had more to learn. I was
taught that the desire isn't enough to change us, but that God does acknowledge
our desire. I became very grateful for the acknowledgment that he has for us
and what we can become through our desires. I know that we
cant change without our own actions because that would take away our
agency. But I love that He notices our desires and then gives us the drive
to change ourselves that we might become more faithful on our own.
I know that was kind of a stretch but that is what I learned
today and if I could go on about it for hours I would...
We got to teach Aimee this week about Family History! I
loved it she gets way excited about things like that! and she is bound and
determined to find 10 names to take to the temple for after she is baptized.
The amazing part is that she has to add her entire family onto Family Tree
before she can request ordinances and she is even excited about all of that:)
She has such a special testimony! I have learned so much from her:)
We got to teach The creation in Gospel Principles yesterday
and it made me actually stop and think about all that God has given us and how
we have so much to be grateful for! I am grateful I had that opportunity to
learn so much while preparing the lesson and also to learn from the members
while we talked. I love that He loved us enough to put detail into our world to
ensure that we could ALL have joy here:)
Well I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving and use
the time we have to be grateful not only to one another to our God. We are
blessed beyond belief:) I love you all and hope that you are all doing well:)
Sister Taylor Andrus
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